As Disney prepares for the launch tomorrow the first glimpses of the 3DS version of Disney Infinity: Toy Box Challenge have appeared on where you can now see a few screenshots of the game itself. Aside from a brief description by the ESRB the 3DS version of Disney Infinity had until now remained a complete mystery, but with these showing up just in time for the North American release tomorrow you've finally got some help to decide whether or not it's actually something you'll want to play.
The game looks to be a completely different experience to that of the console games and is being made by a different developer (Altron) so it is definitely worth taking a moment to check out what it is that you're actually buying.
Toys R Us have unveiled the first of their exclusive figures in the Infinite Crystal range.
The Crystal variants look different in-game and have bonus experience and health points over their regular counterparts. They also unlock a special area where you can showcase your collection of Crystal figures. Lightning McQueen is just the first of the set so expect more to appear over the coming months.
The first of the two announced mobile apps has gone live, Disney Infinity: Action features Mr Incredible, Sulley, and Jack Sparrow and lets you record a short video with the characters laid over the top. At this stage it doesn't seem to be much more extensive than that but you can unlock extra poses to record the videos with. The app is free but contains microtransactions to help unlock all of the poses.
The second app, Disney Infinity: Toy Box, which allows you to edit Toy Box levels and then use them in the console game sounds like a more comprehensive tool but it is not yet available (and will be an iPad exclusive when it is). Toy Box will also be a free app and you will be able to use the webcodes included with your toys to unlock more content.
And finally, here is an early and massive two hour long look at the console game by Console Creatures: